Uses of Class

Uses of ConfigurationException in net.smartlab.config

Methods in net.smartlab.config that throw ConfigurationException
 java.lang.String Reference.getAttribute(java.lang.String name)
abstract  java.lang.String Element.getAttribute(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the value of the attribute whose name equals the specified one or null if the element doesn't contain a such named attribute.
 java.util.Collection Reference.getAttributeNames()
abstract  java.util.Collection Element.getAttributeNames()
          Returns all the attributes names of this element.
 java.util.Collection Reference.getAttributes()
abstract  java.util.Collection Element.getAttributes()
          Returns all the attributes of this element.
 java.util.Collection Element.getAttributeValues(java.lang.String name)
          Returns an unmodifiable Collection build on the attribute value parsed as a comma separated list.
 java.lang.String Reference.getContent()
abstract  java.lang.String Element.getContent()
          Returns the element content as a string.
 Element Element.getElement(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the first contained element whose name equals the given one.
 Element Element.getElement(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String attribute)
          Returns the first contained element whose name equals the given one and whose attribute list contains the given one.
 Element Reference.getElement(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String attribute, java.lang.String value)
 Element Node.getElement(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String attribute, java.lang.String value)
abstract  Element Element.getElement(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String attribute, java.lang.String value)
          Returns the first contained element whose name equals the given one and whose attribute list defines an attribute whose name and values matches the given parameters.
 java.util.Collection Reference.getElements()
abstract  java.util.Collection Element.getElements()
          Returns all the contained elements.
 java.util.Collection Reference.getElements(java.lang.String name)
abstract  java.util.Collection Element.getElements(java.lang.String name)
          Returns all the contained elements which name equals the given one.
static Configuration Configuration.getInstance(java.lang.String uri)
          Returns an instance of a Configuration subclass accordingly to the provided URI.
static Configuration Configuration.getInstance(java.lang.String uri, java.util.Collection listeners)
          Returns an instance of a Configuration subclass accordingly to the provided URI monitoring it for updates which will be notified to the provided collection of listeners.
static Configuration Configuration.getInstance(java.lang.String uri, Listener listener)
          Returns an instance of a Configuration subclass accordingly to the provided URI monitoring it for updates which will be notified to the provided listener.
static Configuration Configuration.getInstance( uri)
          Returns an instance of a Configuration subclass accordingly to the provided URI.
static Configuration Configuration.getInstance( uri, java.util.Collection listeners)
          Returns an instance of a Configuration subclass accordingly to the provided URI monitoring it for updates which will be notified to the provided collection of listeners.
static Configuration Configuration.getInstance( uri, Listener listener)
          Returns an instance of a Configuration subclass accordingly to the provided URI monitoring it for updates which will be notified to the provided listener.
 long SQLConfiguration.getLastUpdate(boolean set)
          Extracts the last modification timestamp from the underling database.
 boolean XMLConfiguration.isChanged()
 boolean SQLConfiguration.isChanged()
abstract  boolean Configuration.isChanged()
          This method checks if the source from the configuration structure was modified since it was last read.
 void Reference.resolve()
 void Node.resolve()
abstract  void Element.resolve()
          Resolves the element reference.
protected  Node Node.resolve(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String id)
          Resolves the requested reference through its children nodes or, recursively in the parent node children.
protected  Node Configuration.resolve(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String id)
 void SQLConfiguration.setLastUpdate(long timestamp)
          Sets the last modification timestamp into the underling database.
 void XMLConfiguration.update()
 void SQLConfiguration.update()
abstract  void Configuration.update()
          Ensures the in memory representation of the configuration matches with the underlying representation.

Constructors in net.smartlab.config that throw ConfigurationException
SQLConfiguration(java.sql.Connection connection)
          Constructs a configuration structure from a JDBC connection.
SQLConfiguration(javax.sql.DataSource pool)
          Constructs a configuration structure from a JDBC data source.
XMLConfiguration( source)
          Constructs a configuration structure from an XML file.
XMLConfiguration( source, javax.crypto.Cipher cipher)
          Constructs a configuration structure from an encrypted XML file.
XMLConfiguration(java.lang.String source)
          Constructs a configuration structure from an XML file accessible through a file system dependent string representation of a path.
XMLConfiguration(java.lang.String source, javax.crypto.Cipher cipher)
          Constructs a configuration structure from an encrypted XML file accessible through a file system dependent string representation of a path.
XMLConfiguration( source)
          Constructs a configuration structure from an XML stream of characters.
XMLConfiguration( source, javax.crypto.Cipher cipher)
          Constructs a configuration structure from an encrypted XML stream of characters.

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